For Valentines Everywhere

Valentine’s Day is pretty low-key this year (as it is every year), but I had to commemorate it regardless and so dragged myself out of bed when the alarm went off at 6:45 to make brekkie (that is love!!!), which consisted of:

Whole wheat blueberry muffins
Bacon (for the man – it is valentine’s day after all)
Scrambled eggs
Fruit salad

I am off for the day as it’s also my dad’s birthday; there will be lunch at Zazie and a trip to the De Young. When I come home I am planning a wee dinner, too:

Hint o’ cream spinach soup
Steak w. mushrooms + onions (tofu for me)
Potato gratin
Arugula salad

Aborio rice pudding w. coconut milk, bourbon + blackberry jam

(Hey – that’s all flourless!)

’tis a silly holiday to be sure, but I think we humans must manufacture these days in order to make life feel a bit more special every once in awhile. Honestly, I can take or leave Valentine’s Day. But even when I decide to leave it, I always want to do a little something to commemorate it, and the “little something” always involves food. Years ago, I made heart-shaped sugar cookies (using a cookie cutter made from a Coke can) dusted with red sprinkles, and home-made valentine’s cards, and pushed the bags of sweet treats through my friends’ letter slots (it was a very cold February day in DC I remember). I’ve packed up boxes of lemon tea bread to send to my New Jersey grandparents, and have sent my father, the birthday baby, wine and low-fat desserts to celebrate his day.

I especially like to mark it by making a meal or two that’s a little out-of-the-ordinary, a weekday breakfast that is lingered-over with an extra cup of coffee without looking at the clock. If nothing else, that is something to celebrate indeed.

If you have a hankering for something sweet today (just today?), I present the cake I made for my dad: a fresh ginger-laced banana cake topped with a vegan butter cream lightly infused with lemon. On a day that seems to be hallmarked as ‘day of chocolate’ I thought I’d mix it up a bit and leave out the cocoa for once. I think he’ll like it.

I wish a happy and peaceful day to you!

Join the Conversation

  1. Looks so wonderful, all of it.

    Still trying to figure out what kind of low-key approach to Valentine’s Day we want. Food sounds just right.

    Am I right to assume I could sub butter for the EB here?

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