A Lady Who … Breakfasts?

I have a strange relationship with breakfast. In high school, dragging myself out of bed at the ungodly hour of 5:45 a.m., I usually had a mug of tea, a bowl of cereal or toast, and juice. Most mornings I had to prop my eyes open while I read the paper, or a book and hardly noticed what I was eating.

Now, I usually have a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of green tea once I get to work, or if I allow myself to be decadent, a bagel and cafe americano from the fantastic little place around the corner from my office (love the Italians). But I am not a big breakfaster, really. I can’t stand heavy, too-sweet things, and eggs are permitted only once in awhile; I suppose I see the meal as something to be gulped down quickly, more as fuel than an enjoyable experience. I look forward to lunch: a brimming plate of last night’s leftovers, a hearty sandwich, or a steaming bowl of soup. Dinner is for contemplation, and I often plan days in advance what I’ll make on a particular night.

Yet, breakfast. During the week I have my little routine of oatmeal and perhaps a peanut butter and jam sandwich for a mid-morning snack (all that running means I’m almost constantly hungry) — a bit dull, yes, but it is comforting in its constancy. But today is Saturday! I woke up early (the ‘curse’ of getting up at 6.30 during the week), the sun is blazing, Beethoven is crashing away on the classical station, a carafe full of delicious coffee waits to be pressed, and I am hungry. I can’t stand the thought of oatmeal, having eaten it so much this week, and the eggs look unappealing. My stomach, for all I put into it, can be a sensitive organ.

We do have some whole-wheat bagels, so I think I will toast one of those. I also made a large and lemony batch of hummus; there is cream cheese or peanut butter, and one last, juicy farmers market tomato. I don’t have any baked beans, alas, for my all-time favorite beans on toast, but a crunchy bagel and tomato, hot cup of freshly brewed coffee, and the early-morning birds should give me the sustenance I need to carry me through the long miles I will run in a few hours. I will take a moment to savor this wonderfully sunny morning. It is Saturday after all.

Also, I have an article in the Chronicle today.

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  1. john c abell says:

    Also, I have an article in The Chron?!

    Mlle, may I offer my marketing services?

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