Home, With Cookies

[Simos and Lena’s wedding cookies, September 2008.]

I’m home. That whooooooosh you might have heard was my sigh of relief at surviving hours on the runway at JFK (and at the Rochester International Airport, where I had the joy of boarding, then waiting, then deplaning, then waiting some more, and then finally reboarding whilst fretting I’d miss my connection. I did make it, but you gotta love air travel, right?!), and a long flight across the country culminating in a quick unpacking of the mountain of laundry I must tackle tonight.

But best things best: I’m home. I had a fantastic time in Maine and an equally fantastic few days in upstate New York. There was: lots of eating; coffee; dodging the rain drops; many late nights (and perhaps also falling asleep in front of a movie just once); watching Michael Phelps on SNL; crying on arrival and departure; lots of omg, I miss you sooooo much!; endless hugs; several crammed-in car rides with some of my very best friends; delicious cookies; dressing up; watching, but not participating in, Greek dancing; retsina; wedding-talk, trying on bling (thanks, baby!); staying at a nice hotel (ahem); feeling, as I always do, that Rochester is such a funky, neat city that somehow seems like home in a way (this holds true in summer, spring, or winter — and I’ve been there in deepest, coldest January) — and so much more. Did I mention the cookies?

The thing is, though: I’m wiped. I’m wading through emails and remembering how to do my day job. I want to tell all, but as it’s Monday and I’ve just barely wiped the sleep from my eyes I’m going to leave you only with this photo of a few of the homemade — there were piles and piles of them — amazingly delicious Greek cookies from Saturday night’s wedding celebration. Pretty soon I’ll sit down with a big cup of blue bottle and get down to it — promise.

But — and I’m sorry; how selfish of me! — how are you?

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  1. Welcome back! Sounds like you had lovely adventures. And, of course, we know what loveliness awaits in N. Calif. I am sure the city is glad to have you home.

    How does your brother end up in such beautiful places? He’s got it figured out, I think.

  2. I love that there were homemade cookies at the wedding. I fantasize about making everything at my wedding from scratch – though of course I wouldn’t be that crazy. Cookies may just be the way to go.

    Glad you escaped airport hell.

  3. Those are homemade??! Amazing. And I’m jealous. Of the cookies, not the tarmac hellishness.

  4. Jessie Schlosberg says:

    Hope your shock of re-entry wasn’t too bad. Mine was definitely rough after a full weekend of very little sleep. Actually, a quite precocious 11 year old girl stopped in the middle of our session today and asked me, “I don’t mean to get off topic, but did you get enough sleep this weekend? Your eyes look kinda dark and puffy”. I nearly died!

    Loved seeing you this weekend and can’t wait for the next party, only 8 weeks away!

    ttys, ily bff!

  5. Mmmmm, now I’m hungry and I haven’t eaten anything worthwhile in two days.
    Good luck getting back to reality. :)

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