Sometimes, That’s All it Takes

[Saturday lunch, July 2007]

I’m often starving after — and during — my runs, and all I can think of, really, is: veggie burger, cheese, avocado. Imagine me chanting this to myself as I make the turn down my street, and you will have some idea of how important it usually is that I eat, immediately, I’m hungry, NOW.

The empty stomach must not be denied.

At times like these, the most satisfying thing is a Gardenburger, loaded with cheese, and piled on top with delicious and wonderful avocado slices. I swear, if I had to be stranded on, say, a Greek island or in the Maldives (real hardship duty, natch), with nothing but a stack of books, sunscreen, and red wine, and could choose only one food item to bring along, I’d choose the avocado. Some may rudely call them fatty, but it’s all good fat anyway; sprinkled with a bit of salt they are the most lovely and luscious funny-looking fruits out there.

I’ve made avocado soup (it was OK, but I did not repeat it), and always add them to my bagels, sandwiches, veggie burgers, quesadillas, black beans … you get the idea. I know some people don’t like them, but I can think of nothing better when I’m craving something rich and creamy. Sometimes they’re even on sale for less than a dollar and when that happens, it’s a very good day.

[Avocados je t’aime.]

I’m looking at exactly one month until touchdown (are we tired of the Greece stories yet? Too bad!) and to get myself in the mood I’m drinking some strong coffee and thinking about pistachios.

[Of course, on this quatorze juillet I am contemplating going for mojitoes, and listening to Belgian-Arabic music, though she at least sings some of the songs on the album in French.]

I’d be lying if I said I could wait even a moment longer for vacation.

Tomorrow: Giants. Please don’t lose.

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