A New Season

This time of year we are full of virtuous promises: I resolve to be tidier and to not throw my sweater over the armchair instead of hanging it neatly in the closet; to be more vigilant about returning phone calls; to at least contemplate taking a trip to a new place; to eat more vegetables. But a few months into the newly-hatched year — perhaps right around the Ides of March? — these earnest wishes are but a dim memory.

Yet I will make them all the same. Already I have a few exciting running events lined up (a 1/2-marathon on February 4, and plans to register for July’s San Francisco Marathon), and want to actually try some speed training this time around. I will write more articles about apartment living for the San Francisco Chronicle. I will finally make that much-needed eye appointment. I will sock away more of my salary into savings. I will go to the dentist! I will drink less coffee and take more trips to the beach. I will set my alarm 15 minutes earlier. I will go to Yosemite at least once and try very hard to get to Tahoe for a ski trip. I will get serious about yoga. And etc.

On the cooking side of things, I want to go to the farmers market every week if I am in town and avail myself of whatever is in season and really make do with that. No more running off to the organic market on a whim because I must have a certain ingredient that will cost me twice as much and probably won’t taste as good. I will read up on Deborah Madison’s delicious “Local Flavors: Cooking and Eating from America’s Farmers Markets” — a book I’ve sorely underused in recent years. I will simplify. I will cook veganly at least once a week. I will entertain more — starting with this weekend.

New Year’s Resolution Menu

Cauliflower soup with shiitake mushrooms (sorry, Kate)
Lemony salmon halibut from the Ferry Building fish market [tofu for me, of course]
Leek and baby potato gratin
Roasted asparagus
Green winter salad

Dessert TBD Pear tarte tatin with whipped or home-made ice cream if I have the time

also: hummus, olives, and a cheese plate with Cowgirl Creamery cheeses

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